Saturday, November 22, 2008

Don't Believe the Hype

As I speak to Realtors all over the country I hear the same thing over and over "people think they can't get a loan to buy a house". Thanks in large part to the media's constant negative reporting on the credit crisis it is no surprise that many would be buyers feel hopeless and won't even try to get financed. After all, getting a home loan already ranks right up there with a root canal so why go through the embarrasment and invasion of privacy just to be told no. I believe that many people who want a home mey even forgo getting one just out of the fear of rejection.

For all the hype though there is money available. Sure, we don't do much 100 percent financing any more and you can't buy a home without a decent income or credit but there are some great programs out there that are fully funded and ready to help would be buyers. FHA, VA and Rural Development are all great programs with low or no downpayments and easy qualifying.

Frankly, now IS the time to buy a home. Rates are low, money is available and homes are cheap, in some areas, really cheap. It's this kind of economic environment where the smart get rich by getting the good deals others leave, or in many cases, put on the table. I know, thiings won't be getting easier for quite a while and economic fear rules the day but now is the time to ignore the media, be brave and do what's right for you.

Don't let some talking head determine your future. If you want more information visit the video network at

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