Monday, November 12, 2007

The 212 Degree Experience

"At 211 degrees water is hot. At 212 degrees, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive."

    -212 The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson

This past week I had the opportunity to go down to Palms Springs to an event named "Sales Mastery". The focus of this event was all in going that extra degree in life, business and relationships. I believe that once we embrace this truth we can accomplish amazing things. It was great to spend three days with the top mortgage professionals from all over the country all of us looking to improve our business and our life.

Out of nearly 250,000 people who call themselves loan officers only 1400 people attended. Sadly, I think this says a lot about our professions. Just a short two years ago there were over 450,000 people who called themselves "loan officers". That number has dropped significantly but even with that drop in numbers 60% of all loan officers have less than 5 yrs experience and have never experienced a down real estate market. What this tells me is that today, more than ever it's crucial to work with an experienced loan professional. I feel fortunate to say that here at Evergreen Pacific I am the newest Mortgage Advisor and still have nearly 13 years with the company.

Over the next several months we will be implementing the 212 philosophy into our business. Good things will be coming down as a result of the new outrageously high goal we are setting for our customer experience. During the event I had the opportunity to meet Horce Schultze. Mr. Schultze is one of the founders of the Ritz-Carlton luxury hotel chain. In case you don't know much about his company the Ritz is considered to be the best luxury hotel chain bar none. They've earned that distinction by offering customer service that makes any other business you have ever dealt with look mediocre at best. They work outrageously hard every single day to exceed the expectations of their visitors and have put systems in place to make that happen. It is my new passion to see that Evergreen is known by it's clients and the community to offer that same "Ritz-Carlton experience to its clients. Watch over the next several months and you'll see what I mean.

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